Prince William praised after a personal documentary: “Princess Diana will be so proud!” | Property

PropertyPrince William (38) has made a good turn. This week, his personal documentary “Prince William: A Planet for Us All” was broadcast on ITV UK, a project close to his heart. In the film, the prince expresses his concern for the state of the world, a message that was warmly welcomed by the viewers. “The future of the monarchy is in safe hands.”

It must be said: Reactions to Prince William’s new documentary have been overwhelming. For the film, the filming crew followed Kate Middleton’s husband, 38, for two years, when he traveled to Pakistan and Tanzania to embark on a global mission about the importance of the natural world.

In the movie, the Duke romantically explains how his sons Prince George (7), Princess Charlotte (5), and Prince Louis (2) urged him (2) to take action to save nature. The Prince said, “Now that I have George, Charlotte and Louis, my vision has really changed.” “That’s why I had to do something, because by the time my kids are in their twenties, and at the current poaching rate, there might not be rhinos in the world by that time. My grandfather and dad have been actively helping the environment for years and they are way ahead of Their time. I really want to make sure that George doesn’t turn around and ask questions in 20 years. Because if he does, it’s too late. “

Not only were viewers dealt with the emotional Prince William, but also three never-before-seen photos of his offspring were shown. The adorable photos show Prince Louis playing with a blue bucket in the sand, while Prince George holds a small shovel and helps Princess Charlotte plant a flower.

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Scenery: Prince William highlights climate change

Overburdened with praise

“William is like Princess Diana,” it now appears among the British. “He has such a diplomatic stance in this documentary and shows the good that anyone can do without being accused.” Or also: “The beautiful Princess Diana was so proud of her son, she is so absent,” “Prince William shows his sense and amazement at the natural beauty that we all take for granted. His mother blesses her” and “He is incredibly emotional and radiates kindness and knowledge.”

The documentary also gave the British confidence about the future of the monarchy: “Prince William makes me very proud! One day he will become a great king,” it seems. “I’m glad to see that he’s so passionate about making a difference in this world.” Also: “It’s nice to see William get his head out and really care about the future. The monarchy is in good hands.”

It turns out that the Nazi costume was the cause of the split between Princes Harry and William: “Their relationship really suffered. They barely spoke to each other.”

Prince Harry will not be coming home this Christmas: “They are not ready to be a close family again.”

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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