Psychiatrists are sounding the alarm: Schools are open to prevent further mental damage | correct

VideoMBO and HBO schools and universities should reopen as soon as possible. This is what the Dutch Psychiatric Association with student unions and educational institutions are writing in a letter to the Outbreak Management Team (OMT).

Toon Formans

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“This is critical to the quality of education and the well-being of students,” according to the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, the National Youth Council and Universities of the Netherlands.

More than 1.3 million students at MBO, HBO, and WO follow a large portion of their education from screen for 22 months. Many lessons can continue digitally, but education is much more than just transferring knowledge, according to the organizations. “Daily contact between students and teachers is of great importance to the quality of education and the well-being of students.”

The disciples and students stayed at home for a very long time. As a result, the quality of education is compromised and students suffer from psychological problems. © Hollandse Hoogte / Werry Crone


The Dutch Psychiatric Association stated in the letter that studies by Statistics Netherlands, RIVM and Trimbos show that many students have psychological problems. Loneliness, sadness, sleep problems to serious eating disorders and the stress of life are the order of the day. The book says the situation is “alarming.”

health damages

Young people in particular are prone to mental problems and now seem to be deteriorating the most in their mental health. “Mental damage is also serious damage to health and all health problems have a greater impact on healthy years of life over the course of people’s lives,” says Elnathan Prinsen and Arne Popma of NVP.

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In a second letter, it also appeals to organizations, from an educational point of view, to open a message to OMT: Educational institutions should be able to receive all students on site as soon as possible. This is of great importance to the quality of education.

new minister

Education Minister Robert Dijkgraf.
Education Minister Robert Dijkgraf. © PRONOPRESS

New Education Minister Robert Dijkgraf (D66) pledged on Monday that he would make a case for urgently reopening higher education in the Cabinet.

The Minister also considers it important “to put the health and future of our children first”. On Friday, the Council of Ministers will decide what higher education will look like in the coming period.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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