Redirected Freight Service Zebrak-UK | Flows

Zebrook has service for trucks taken back to the UK. Six months after the closure of the Zebrak-Hull Robox, P&O Ferris is taking drivers back to the London Ro-Ro terminal in Tilbury.

Since the New Year, only unmanned cargo has been shipped from Jeep Brook to the United Kingdom. The impact of COVID-19 and the uncertainty about the upcoming Brexit gave the final blow to P&O’s Robox service with Hull at the end of 2020. Other shipping companies have also limited themselves to unsupported transportation, mainly to avoid wastage of time and additional administrative costs for accompanying drivers.

Nevertheless, there was still a demand for transportation from port users. P&O Ferris now responds by bringing drivers back with them. Not Hull – because only one container service was maintained there – but to the London terminal Dilbury. P&O Ferris will depart twice daily in each direction.

One room for a truck

Both ships ‘Norsky’ (Photo) And ‘Norstream’ each has six rooms with two beds each. “We’ll start with six sub-trucks to cross a ferry,” said Nick Bank, director of sales for freight services. “We have 26 sailors in both directions: once in each direction on Sunday and in all two directions every other day. Drivers get free food and can enjoy the view of the Thames.”

Ro-Ro service is open to all types of loads, including hazardous materials and exceptional quantities. It takes eight hours to cross and has 210 trailers on the sister ships.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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