Reduce your carbon footprint and become Earth Champion

The climate needs our help. Not tomorrow, not next year: today. Forest fires in Greece and Turkey, as well as floods in Limburg, Belgium and Germany, will not escape your notice. Every step you take to reduce your carbon footprint can have an impact on our living environment. What can you do? Read and become the champion of the earth.

Champion of the Earth: Climate Change

Climate change has never been seen before, and that appears to be just the beginning. It is impossible to estimate what the world will look like in 10 years. It is clear, however, that the existing damage cannot be removed. Carbon dioxide does not disappear from our atmosphere. Fortunately, the tide can still be turned around by taking actions that reduce our impact on Earth, which can slow down the speed at which our living environment is changing. It’s often simple things, but sometimes you just need a catalyst for it. Earth Hero: App of the Week, Climate Change, is that motivator.

Before you can use the app, you must create an Earth Hero account. Earth Hero stores in this account, among other things, statistics of your climate emissions and the actions you have taken to reduce your carbon emissions. After creating your account, Earth Hero will ask a number of questions to calculate your CO2 emissions. To complete these questions, you’ll see a graph of your CO2 emissions on the left, in the middle of the Dutch or Belgian average, and on the right you’ll see the average emissions of a global citizen.

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This is the starting point for your carbon dioxide footprint. However, it does not necessarily have to be accurate. If you want to modify the data to get a (more) accurate representation of your CO2 footprint – click directly on the My Progress tab and choose Optimize My Emissions Profile. Earth Hero is now set: it’s time to discover climate action.

Reduce your carbon footprint

Under the Actions tab, you’ll find all kinds of actions to reduce your carbon dioxide emissions, for example by installing solar panels on your roof, or by purchasing used items – like a refurbished phone. The expected effect on your carbon footprint is shown for each action. For those who are just starting to reduce their carbon emissions, it is important to pay attention to the difficulty of the procedures. Instead, start with small actions, such as removing old bulbs that use a lot of energy.

App of the Week: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Become a Champion of the Earth

These actions are less impactful, but every action counts. Every measure that reduces carbon emissions helps preserve our climate. For convenience, in the Actions tab, you can also allow the application to sort actions based on the expected effect. This way you can ensure that actions with less impact, which you can perform more easily, are placed at the top of the page.

What should not be forgotten in Earth Hero is the option to set your own climate goal. At the top of the main screen, you’ll find the option to set goals to reduce climate impact. Earth Hero advises me to reduce my carbon footprint by 10 percent per year to achieve the Paris climate goals (climate neutral by 2050). All actions taken from the list in Earth Hero will be deducted from your current emissions. Each year you can see if you have succeeded in reducing your climate impact.

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App of the Week: Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Become a Champion of the Earth

Download Earth Hero

Will you become the next Earth Champion by reducing your carbon footprint? Then download Earth Hero: Climate Impact from the . file Google Play Store From Apple App Store. The app is free to use. Are you planning to try the app? If you are already using the app: What do you think of the app and are you committed to significantly reducing your CO2 emissions? Make sure to let us know in the comments below this article.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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