Rest at home in quarantine during the Easter holiday: “Population health insurance” (De Pinte)


the girl

After several employees tested positive for the virus last Friday, the coordinating doctor from Shieldfield decided to close the residential care center as a precaution. The WZC opened again on Monday, but with strict rules.

joss dequellaire

The quarantine provoked a lot of disappointing reactions from relatives of the residents. The Easter breakfast was canceled and residents were not allowed to celebrate Easter with their families, neither in the WZC nor when visiting children and family.

However, directives from the Flemish government have stipulated a minimum visitation right since mid-March. No resident of Shealdfield has yet been tested positive, but even then the limited visitation right applies, provided the necessary precautions are taken.

30 minutes

Since Monday, one person per resident has been allowed to visit at the same time for 30 minutes, provided they disinfect their hands and wear an FFP2 mask. Visits should preferably take place outside or perhaps in the room if good ventilation is ensured through the window.

We strongly do not advise leaving the WZC, as it is for visiting residents who may test positive. Alderman for Social Affairs and Health Kathleen Jeslink (CD&V): “Through this arrangement, we hope to meet the needs and requirements of each resident and their family and maintain the health of all residents.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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