Russian soldiers display a booby trap left by Ukrainian soldiers at the Azov Stable Factory | Abroad

The Russian army is in complete control of the Azovstal plant in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. Tunnels appear where the Ukrainian resistance can hold out for about three months. There are a lot of rubble, and among the rubble are weapons and medicine.


Last updated:
14-06-22, 14:27


Earlier we saw only the photos taken by the Ukrainian forces themselves. Now the Associated Press was allowed to film at the Azovstal plant, under the strict supervision of Russian troops.

See also: Russians clean the area around the Azovstal plant

Watch also: Anna Zaitseva (24) survived Azovstal with her infant son

Watch also: Ukrainian soldier sings Eurosong at Azovstal plant

Russian soldiers inspect the underground passages of the Azovstal plant. © AFP

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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