Sami Mehdi in Brussels: It’s complicated – Belgic

To the dismay of Sami Mahdi (CD&V), Brussels is opening a reception and referral center for immigrants. The relationship between the Secretary of State for Asylum and Immigration and the capital has been complicated for some time.

“Move Calais to our capital, understand who can understand.” Via a few sharp tweets, Minister of State for Asylum and Migration Sami Mahdi provoked his anger at the Brussels government on Thursday night. Her plan to create 400 reception places for migrants in transit in Harren went wrong with a CD&V member. Do not hesitate to make the perilous and illegal passage to the UK. You can even rest in Brussels,” Mehdi tweeted sarcastically.

Reproduction is a complex phenomenon. In general, these are people who are in our country only to leave it as soon as possible. Their final destination is always the United Kingdom. The presence of a social network, as well as the ease of staying under the radar, makes the journey across the channel attractive.

An additional difficulty is that arrested immigrants can rarely be returned. There are hardly any commercial flights to Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia, which are common countries of origin for migrants.


Since the phenomenon appeared at the top of the list of political priorities in 2018, the tactics of people smugglers have become more and more daring. Inflatable boats to cross the canal are no exception. At the end of November, 27 people drowned off the French coast of Calais.

Mahdi believes that the establishment of a reception center contributes to the normalization of immigration, which is in the interest of organized crime.

Since 2019, the federal government has sent a so-called communicationThe staff is on the road, primarily in Brussels. They must inform immigrants of their options in our country. At the beginning of 2021, the Mahdi expanded the teams. There are also return offices in Brussels, where migrants can voluntarily knock on their doors with questions about their status and opportunities.

On the other hand, the Brussels region looks at the problem from a security point of view. “It is only justified to receive people in a precarious situation, especially during the ongoing pandemic, even though this is a federal prerogative,” Prime Minister Rudi Vervoort said.

Brussels mayors have been sounding the alarm for some time now. In November, Schaerbeek, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, and Evere wrote a letter to the Mahdi, among others. The reason was the unsafe situation at the Brussels North station, where many immigrants gather. The mayors threatened to close part of the station.

The Brussels Region expects the Federal Government to contribute to the new reception site. Mahdi is not interested.

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Rudi Vervoort (PS) on December 22, 2021. © Belga

in the hotel

The recent riots are a new episode in the complex relationship between Brussels and Mahdi, a Vilford native born and raised in Brussels.

At the beginning of October, the Secretary of State together with Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo (Open VLD) and Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) received a letter from the same Brussels government. A distress cry, for an estimated 100,000 without papers in the capital. In the letter, the government calls for faster asylum procedures and reimbursement for the costs of receiving illegal immigrants since 2019. Al-Mahdi aims to shorten the procedures sharply. But helping Brussels financially is another matter.

The difficult relationship was also reflected in the reception crisis in recent months. For Klein Kasteeltje, Fedasil’s reception and application center in Brussels, dozens of asylum seekers often had to wait at the gate, or even stay overnight, to apply for asylum. The lack of space, caused by a complete ordeal storm, drove them away from a shelter.

Al Mahdi was quick to find new places, but insisted that hotel rooms would not be an option. But in Parliament, coalition partners Gruen and Ikolo have often suggested this possibility. A few nights in a hotel would make the refugee influx into Belgium more attractive, and Mehdi fears the suction effect will be too great.

What did the city of Brussels do? Rent temporary accommodation in hotels. “Even if it is not in our purview, we are doing what is necessary to maintain public peace,” said Mayor Philip Close.

Philip Close (PS), Belga
Philip Claus (PS) © belga


This closing is the signature of PS made the decision even more bitter. In the Mahdi government, it was felt for some time that the Ministry of Defense, led by Socialist Party Minister Ludvin Didonder, was doing too little to deal with the crisis with its capabilities. The responsibility of Vassil and the Mahdi was firmly established in the circles of the Socialist Party.

This division was also manifested in the crisis surrounding the hunger strikers last summer. Claus played an important role there. A meeting between the mayor of Brussels and spokesmen for the 400 hunger strikers in Begijnhofkerk, ULB and VUB could have helped de-escalate.

Publicly, Claus did not pat him on the back for this. That’s what Paul Magnet did for him. The head of the Socialist Party played down the role of the Mahdi. Just look at the hunger strikers this summer. Who solved this? Magnet said recently at PS ” latest news. Philip Close found shelter. Deputy Prime Minister Pierre-Yves Dermann met with non-profit organizations. I have made several political contacts to settle the situation with the Mahdi. We wanted to avoid the drama. I was surprised that Mehdi and De Croo did not wear.

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The past year has shown that cooperation is possible, but Brussels often chooses an aggressive approach and does not hesitate to ask for financial compensation for it. The fact that CD&V is neither in the Brussels City Council nor in the regional government may play a role as well.

Paul Magnet (PS) on October 5, 2021., Belgium
Paul Magnette (PS) on October 5, 2021. © Belga

“Move Calais to our capital, understand who can understand.” Via a few sharp tweets, Minister of State for Asylum and Migration Sami Mahdi provoked his anger at the Brussels government on Thursday night. Her plan to create 400 reception places for migrants in transit in Harren went wrong with a CD&V member. Do not hesitate to make the perilous and illegal passage to the UK. You can even rest in Brussels,” El Mahdi tweeted sarcastically. Migration is a complex phenomenon. In general, these are the people in our country only to leave as quickly as possible. Their final destination is always the UK. Having a social network, as well as the ease of staying under the radar, makes The journey across the canal is attractive.An additional difficulty is that arrested migrants can rarely be returned.There are hardly any commercial flights to Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia, which are common countries of origin for migrants, and since this phenomenon appeared at the top of the list of political priorities in 2018, methods have become People smugglers are more daring. Rubber boats to cross the canal are no longer an exception. At the end of last November, 27 people drowned off the French coast of Calais, and Mehdi believes that the establishment of a reception center contributes to the normalization of immigration, which favors organized crime. Since 2019, the government sends Federal so-called outreach staff, mainly in Brussels. They must inform immigrants of their options in our country. At the beginning of 2021, the Mahdi widened the difference. There are also return offices in Brussels, where immigrants can knock Their doors voluntarily with questions about their situation and the opportunities available to them. On the other hand, the Brussels region looks at the problem from a security point of view. “It is only justified to receive people in a precarious situation, especially during the ongoing pandemic, even though this is a federal prerogative,” says Prime Minister Rudi Vervoort. alarm. In November, Schaerbeek, Sint-Joost-ten-Node, and Evere wrote a letter to the Mahdi, among others. The reason was the unsafe situation at the Brussels North station, where many immigrants gather. Mayors have threatened to close part of the station, and the Brussels region expects the federal government to contribute to the new reception site. Mahdi is not interested. The recent riots are a new episode in the complex relationship between Brussels and Mahdi, a Vilford native born and raised in Brussels. At the beginning of October, the Secretary of State together with Prime Minister Alexandre de Croo (Open VLD) and Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) received a letter from the same Brussels government. A cry for help for an estimated 100,000 paperless people in the capital. In the letter, the government calls for faster asylum procedures and reimbursement for the costs of receiving illegal immigrants since 2019. Al-Mahdi aims to shorten the procedures sharply. But financial assistance in Brussels is different, the difficult relationship has also been manifested in the reception crisis in recent months. For Klein Kasteeltje, Fedasil’s reception and application center in Brussels, dozens of asylum seekers often had to wait at the gate, or even stay overnight, to apply for asylum. Lack of space due to a severe storm of ordeal drove them away from shelter, so Mehdi hurried to find new places, but insisted that hotel rooms would not be an option. But in Parliament, coalition partners Gruen and Ikolo have often suggested this possibility. A few nights in a hotel would make the refugee influx into Belgium more attractive, and Mehdi fears the suction effect will be too great. What did the city of Brussels do? Rent temporary accommodation in hotels. “Even if it is not in our purview, we are doing what is necessary to maintain the public peace,” said Mayor Philip Close. The fact that Claus is the signature of PS made the decision even more bitter. In the Mahdi government, it was felt for some time that the Ministry of Defense, led by Socialist Party Minister Ludvin Didonder, was doing too little to deal with the crisis with its capabilities. The responsibility of Vassil and the Mahdi was firmly established in the circles of the Socialist Party. This division was also manifested in the crisis surrounding the hunger strikers last summer. Claus played an important role there. A meeting between the mayor of Brussels and spokesmen for the 400 hunger strikers in Begijnhofkerk, ULB and VUB could have helped de-escalate. Publicly, Claus did not pat him on the back for this. That’s what Paul Magnet did for him. The head of the Socialist Party played down the role of the Mahdi. Just look at the hunger strikers this summer. Who solved this? “The PS,” Magnette said recently on Het Laatste Nieuws. Philip Close found shelter. Deputy Prime Minister Pierre-Yves Dermann met with non-profit organizations. I have made several political contacts to settle the situation with the Mahdi. We wanted to avoid the drama. I was surprised that Mehdi and De Croo did not budge. “The past year has shown that cooperation is possible, but Brussels often opts for an aggressive approach, and does not hesitate to seek financial compensation for it. The fact that CD&V is neither in the Brussels City Council nor in the regional government may play a role either.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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