Several executions in Iran on charges of espionage, including for Israel outside

Several people were executed in southeastern Iran on Saturday on charges of espionage, Iran’s Tasnim News Agency reported on Saturday. The executed people are said to have been in contact with foreign intelligence services, including the Israeli Mossad, and passed secret documents.

According to Mizan Online, the legal authorities said that one of those executed was “a spy for the Zionist regime.” The Iranian judiciary accused the man of “intelligence cooperation and espionage for” Israel, “collecting secret information,” and “propaganda for groups and organizations opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The executions were carried out in the city of Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan Province. In that governorate, there was another attack on the police on the night from Thursday to Friday, in which eleven officers were killed and seven others were injured. Some of the attackers are said to have been killed. It is not clear whether the executions are related to this.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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