SKEPP UFO Hotline Awards

The Study Circle for the Critical Appraisal of Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (SKEPP) presented its annual award on Saturday. The Sixth Vijs, an acknowledgment of those committed to spreading objective scientific knowledge, goes to the Belgian UFO hotline.

Therefore, the VI Fig of 2022 is for the Belgian UFO hotline, an organization that systematically collects and investigates UFO sightings. People keep seeing things in the sky that they can’t explain and that sometimes scare them. Therefore, it is good that there is still a group of volunteers working to collect, study and communicate such reports on a regular basis. “We believe this work could be very useful in informing the general public so that the ‘UFO’ phenomenon loses its juicy and pseudoscientific aspects.”

least desirable pit skeptic For the year 2022, SKEPP awards Ariane Bazan, Professor of Clinical Psychology at ULB and the University of Lorraine in Nancy. In interviews and in her four-weekly column in the standard Bazin propagates psychoanalytic theories that are completely outdated, ”says SKEPP. Ariane Bazin constantly defends the pseudoscientific views of charlatans like Sigmund Freud, sometimes with scientifically meaningless texts, and often with pseudoscientific or even completely incomprehensible phrases.

the The position of skepticism is a prize for someone who has taken an “exceptionally uncritical” stance and “completely misunderstood the dissemination of knowledge in science”.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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