Skin Cancer? New Scanner Provides Definitive Answer in 30 Seconds

skin cancer

“This scanner saves time for patients and provides more efficient care,” says Clara Mustard, professor of dermatologic oncology (skin cancer) at Maastricht University UMC+. RTL News.

Two years ago, Mustard discovered that the so-called OCT scanner is reliable enough to rule out or detect the most common form of skin cancer. The good news: the support obtained makes this method available to every patient in the Netherlands. It is still not known exactly when this will be.

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While patients often wait more than a week for biopsy results, this scanner has an answer within thirty seconds. And that only applies to the most common form, basal cell carcinoma. For example, screening melanoma with a scanner is not very reliable (yet).

In addition to the speed, it is also good that the examination requires only one appointment and one specialist. Maastricht UMC+ will help the first patients next year with the help of the scanner. The aim is to expand this method throughout the Netherlands within the year.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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