Smarties, podcast by BNR, Androidworld and iCulture #12

The Smart Ones is a podcast originating from the collaboration between BNR, Androidworld and iCulture that discusses the exciting and above all fun world of technology. In this episode we discuss working with Google Assistant and Siri.

the smart

There is a new episode of the smart Online. On the BNR, iCulture, and Androidworld podcasts we talk about the fun world of tech every week. We have a number of regular sections like ‘News of the Week’ and ‘Review’. In addition, every week we deal with a topic in an in-depth manner. The Smart Ones theme is not only limited to smartphones, but it will cover many other topics that belong to the world of technology. If you have any suggestions for us, please leave them in the comments.

Podcast hosts are Connor Clerks (BNR), Gonny van der Zwaag (iCulture) and Dimitri’s Suite (Android world). In this episode you hear Benjamin Kuijten Because Gonny is having a nice vacation.

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#12 | Hey Siri, what are you doing with my data?

On both Android and iOS, you can use a digital assistant: Google Assistant and Siri. In this podcast we talk about how these services work and whether they actually deliver on the promises they made. We are also looking at the current state of affairs regarding privacy. Can these helpers hear us when we don’t know? Can our conversations be tracked and what do they do with the data?

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Do you use a digital assistant every day?

Here you can listen to The Smart Ones

You can listen to this podcast in your favorite podcast player, search for ‘smart’

Smart Ones is an initiative of BNR, iCulture and Androidworld and is powered by Bloks.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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