So these are the reasons why you should weigh less in the morning

You may have already noticed that it is better to weigh yourself in the morning than in the evening. When you step on the scale in the morning, you weigh less than in the evening. How is that possible?

We explain it to you here.

You sweat at night

Are you someone who wakes up regularly in the morning drenched in sweat? This may be the reason why you weigh less in the morning than in the evening. You simply lost so much fluid during the night that you are a little lighter in the morning. You don’t even have to sweat a lot because of this weight difference, even people who don’t even realize they’re sweating at night can be a little lighter in the morning.

Read also: Now is the best time to weigh yourself (if you want to keep the pounds off)

You are a little dehydrated

During the day, you drink plenty of water and other drinks (if all goes well), so that you weigh a little heavier. Since you don’t get anything in terms of humidity at night, you weigh a little less once you wake up than if you weigh yourself during the day or in the evening. In short: You feel a little dehydrated at night, which is reflected on the scale.

Your body has been working hard

You may not expect it, but while you sleep, your body is working hard. During the night, your body burns calories during the day. This allows you to weigh less when you step on the scale in the morning than if you weigh yourself during the day or early evening, for example.

source | women’s health
picture | GT

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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