Sophie Christian will now work as a fitness coach herself: ‘Consciously working towards a healthier life’

Sophie Christians, a famous name in the world of athletics, is waiting for a new challenge. De Wargamesie will serve as a decent coach. “This is something I’ve always wanted to do since I knew what this would do to someone.”

As a KAA Gent athlete, Sophie Christians has won six regional titles. It also holds several honorary places nearby in the national championships. “Perhaps the stress prevented me from coming off the podium in BC in my youth,” says the 38-year-old professional soldier. “At the time I was training under Armand Parmentier, and to be honest, I had yet to get involved in healthy food. Perhaps the Burgundian life prevented me from doing better.”


“When I was in the doldrums at the end of October last year, it was a signal for action. I no longer felt comfortable in my own skin. The performances were still good, but I still felt anything out of place. I was always tired mentally and physically. You are doing wellI heard it a few times after the game. However, I learned from myself that this was not the case. Crying was closer to me than laughing. When there were neighborhood parties at De Waterhoek again, I met fitness trainer Bernadette De Taeye. My life suddenly seemed so much brighter because of her. In November, I took the first step that started with a healthy diet. Eating in the morning, something I’ve never done before, is central to this story. My sleeping pattern has also made a big change. Sleep went from 6 am to 8 am. Adequate rest is important. By resting better, I have a better feeling when walking and the acidification occurs much less quickly. Since February, my scale has also indicated a decrease of 5 kilograms. ” (Laugh)

Dare to take the step and persevere, that’s what it’s all about

whole group

“Because now I am more conscious of a better lifestyle, I now also want to help others with this. This is something I have always wanted to do since I knew what this does to a human being. I want to give a complete package of training. The well-being of my comrades is close to my heart. These Definitely a mental issue too.In addition to nutritional advice, I also offer dance and exercise camps on Wednesday evenings at the meeting center in Nieuwenhove.My goal is to encourage people to exercise and lead a healthier lifestyle.It’s usually all about losing weight, but also weight gain and more Sports activities, you can call me for that. Being fitter means having a lot of energy. Daring to take the step and persevere, that’s what it’s all about. I’ve also done this successfully. However, it is still possible to enjoy, you know, a life Healthier,” concludes Sophie Christians. (ELD)

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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