Spinoza and Stephen Awards for Research in Disasters, Exoplanets, and Parkinson’s Disease

Six scientists will receive the highest awards in Dutch science this year: the Spinoza and Stephen Prizes. Thea Hillhurst, Klaas Landesmann, Corneille Peters and Ignas Snellen receive the Spinoza Prize, and the Stephen Awards go to Bas Blom and Tanya van der Liebe. Each will receive 2.5 million euros for scientific research.

Thea Hillhurst, Professor of Humanitarian Assistance and Reconstruction at the International Institute of Social Studies at Erasmus University, will receive an award for her research in the field of emergencies due to disasters and armed conflict. Emphasizes the impact of humanitarian aid.

Corné Pieterse Professor of Plant Microbial Interactions at Utrecht University studies how plants defend themselves against diseases and pests. By doing so, he contributes to the protective agriculture of the future and greater food security for a growing world population, writes the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), which awards the prizes.

outer planets

Ignas Snellen, professor of astrophysics at Leiden University, received the Spinoza Prize for his research on exoplanets: planets orbiting a star other than our sun. Develops innovative techniques and tools for this purpose.

Claes Landsmann, Professor of Mathematical Physics at Radboud University, is the fourth to receive the Spinoza Prize. It uniquely combines research into the interaction between mathematics and physics with deep insights into the foundations, history, and philosophy of physics. “He stirs up stimulating ideas that transcend disciplines and make his colleagues and the general public reflect on the foundations of our existence,” explains NWO.

Parkinson’s Disease

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In addition to the Spinoza Awards, there have also been Stephen Awards since 2018, for research with significant social impact. These will go to two scientists this year: Tanya van der Liebe, professor of sociology at Utrecht University and Bas Blom, professor of neuromovement disorders at Radbodomke.

Van der Lippe has been honored for her research on a healthy work-life balance and the possibility of sustainably employing employees. Bloem is the world’s number one expert on Parkinson’s disease. He developed ParkinsonNet, a network in which patients and caregivers work together.

The Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 5 October 2022.

Megan Vasquez

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