Square Enix brands are Ever Crisis, The First Soldier, and the Shinra logo in Japan

Square Enix filed trademarks for “Ever crisis“And the”First SoldierOn December 17, 2020 in Japan, in addition to Logo of Shinra Electric Power Company On December 22nd. All three brands were announced today.

All three brands seem to be associated with Square Enix Final Fantasy VII Series:

  • Ever Crisis shares a name similar to the 2004 mobile game Before the Crisis: Final Fantasy VII The 2007 PSP game release Essence of Crisis: Final Fantasy VII.
  • “First Soldier” may be a reference to Sephiroth, the main villain of Final Fantasy VII Series.
  • Shinra Electric Power Corporation is an organization in a world Final Fantasy VII.

The latest game in Final Fantasy VII Series, Final Fantasy VII remakeIt was launched for PlayStation 4 in April 2020.

In related news, Bandai Namco has registered a trademark ‘Starlet BoxOn December 21, which looks like it could be a limited release next The Idolmaster: Season of the Stars. Live broadcast announcing the latest information about the game is Planned for January 17th.

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Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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