Stage Entertainment Closes Investigation into Danny De Monk, But Singer Still Wants Answers | Displays

Music producer Stage Entertainment is closing an investigation into singer Danny De Monk’s allegations of sexual misconduct. Earlier, the judiciary also rejected the complaint in this case for lack of evidence. But the case is not over yet. The woman who reported the case will be heard on Thursday, March 16. At De Munk’s request, because “Danny wants answers.”

A while ago, a woman filed a report against Danny De Monk. The woman claims she was raped by him fifteen years ago while they were collaborating on the musical Rat cesk. De Monck reacted angrily to this and reported that he had “made a false statement”. This case has not yet been closed.

The Public Prosecution Service decided some time ago to dismiss the case against de Monck for lack of evidence. Stage Entertainment has now come to the conclusion that De Munk was not guilty of misconduct. The production company says it has spoken with both the woman in question and De Munk. “We have carefully reviewed the information and taken the advice seriously when assessing the culture in our productions today.”

De Munks’ attorney, Royce de Vries, says via a press release that he sees the end of the investigation as “an important second step toward rehabilitation.”

However, with Stage Entertainment closing the investigation, the case is far from over. The witness hearing for the woman who filed the report against De Munk will continue at the request of the 53-year-old singer and actor. It will happen on Thursday, March 16th. And then the monk will also be listened to.

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Interrogation behind closed doors because Danny wants answers

All this happens behind closed doors at the woman’s request. De Munk agreed to this because questioning behind closed doors increases the chance that he will get answers to all the questions he has. If the room is full of press, there’s a good chance the woman won’t explain much.

Depending on the answers De Munk will give the alleged victim, it will become clear whether De Munk wants to continue the case against her. The singer has previously stated that this affair has ruined a lot of private and business life. He wouldn’t stand by and see how his family was destroyed and that’s why he chose to counterattack.

De Monck admitted that he kissed the woman at the time. He vehemently denies that he went further against her will.

Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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