On behalf of the government, the Prime Minister should apologize and express his desire to correct historical injustices, for example, by opposing racism and discrimination.
The Slavery Advisory Committee Dialogue Committee writes this in the report Chains of the past It will be delivered in Amsterdam on Thursday afternoon. Last year, the college held debates across the state about the history of slavery and its impact on today’s society. It was chaired by Amnesty director Dockmar Adshorn, which includes rapper Typhoon and former footballer Edgar Davids.
The panel report states that the task of conducting a connecting conversation about the divided past is not an easy one. “For a section of the population, this past is about the highlights, prosperity and prosperity of Dutch history. On the other hand it is about the prosperity and prosperity earned on the backs of their forefathers.
Collective future
So there is no question now about the shared past, the group is coming to an end. President Oatshorn: “The past of slavery is viewed differently in different parts of the kingdom. In the European region, history is one-sided. Additional perspectives should be provided, especially in education. For example, in Tula, the rebel leader in Curaao, he is described as a rebel instead of a hero. ”
The group writes that acknowledging that the slave trade and slavery are crimes against humanity may be the beginning of a shared future. We must take responsibility for confronting the past abuses of slavery and recognizing that the effects of that past can still be felt today. To do this is the right way for the government to grant a legal amnesty.
Otshorn says it’s about a trinity. “It begins with acknowledging the atrocities that took place. There must be an excuse to allow recovery and healing.” Recognition of the slave past must be done by the government. “The Dutch government is the legal heir to the West India Company. That is where the responsibility lies.”
Arrange finance in place
According to the lawyers who consulted, such a legal exemption does not have to have financial consequences. However, a financial arrangement is in order, advises the college. The money could be used for research, education and culture, but also to establish a national museum, similar to the one launched in Amsterdam. In conjunction with a knowledge center, the museum can become a national landmark.
Many European countries were ahead of the Netherlands in apologizing for the colonial past. The German government did this earlier this year for the genocide in Namibia, and King Philippe in Belgium openly expressed regret over the atrocities in Congo last year. In the United Kingdom, the London and Liverpool governments and city councils have apologized for their involvement in the Atlantic slave trade and slavery.