Stolen fungi Talento from Hengelo for sale in North Brabant | sing it

HENGELO – A stolen gray Talento is up for sale in Nuenen, North Brabant. Thanks to alert hints, the police tracked down the white four-legged friend. Talento is in good health. The investigation is still ongoing.

A horse farm from Gelderland rented mushrooms to someone from Hengelo, but the horse has not been found since January. Police suspected a crime, launched a search and reported that the 8-year-old horse was last seen in the Hengelo and Hacksbergen area.

alert alert

The police call was shared on social media about the stolen mushrooms with passion. Police said, on Wednesday, that Talento was found in good health. “The horse was found in Nuenen. This was thanks to an alert guide who was aware of our search,” says a spokesperson for the East Holland Police.

I do not know

Many of the people involved are now being questioned by the police. Vendors in Nuenen are not suspects, and police say: “The people who found Talento were unaware of the embezzlement.” As long as the investigation is underway, the police will take care of the horse. After that, the mushroom returns to its owner in Gelderland.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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