Strange theft: The ‘bird-free’ artwork has disappeared on a four-meter-high pole | Willerijk

WildThe artwork “Vogel-vrij” on the four-meter-high column in Geitenpad in Wilrijk has mysteriously disappeared. The police confirm that the work was recently stolen. The family of artist Luc Ceulemans, who created the work in 2004, elicits an emotional plea for advice. “It’s a reminder of when he was healthy.”

85-year-old artist Luc Ceulemans commissioned the work in 2004 at the request of County Wilrijk. The statue, a bird’s-eye construction on a four-meter-high pillar, has been given a great place on Geitenpad, between the University of Antwerp campus and the Doornstraat.

A grandson of Ceulemans recently noticed the work’s disappearance. “After inquiring about the area, it was confirmed that the statue was stolen by unknown persons a few weeks ago,” the family said. “This statue is a beautiful memory of our husband and father we found when he was still healthy, and he is currently admitted to the Immaculate Residential Care Center.”

“Hopefully someone noticed something on the goat trail between late January and early March that might lead to the statue. All advice is welcome at the local police.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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