Suriname’s First Lady focuses on mental health


Suriname’s First Lady focuses on mental health

Willemstad – During the official visit of Surinamese President Chandrikapersad Santokhi to Curaçao, First Lady Melissa Santokhi-Sinachiri drew attention to the importance of mental health and personal development. The First Lady, a lawyer and youth welfare advocate, used her position to include Curaçao’s youth in her message.

She visited last week School Avanza Amador Neita I spoke to a group of forty students. She spoke openly about cell phone addiction, which is a growing problem among young people. She shared practical tips for finding a healthy balance and breaking this dependency. According to her, addiction has a huge impact on the mental health of young people, and awareness is the first step towards improvement.

The next day, Melissa Santokhi-Senacheri organized a session on mental health for representatives from the education and healthcare sectors in Curaçao. During this meeting, she shared her vision on the importance of mental health and stressed the importance of joint efforts for a healthier future for young people.


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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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