The 10 Mental Health Days begin on October 1st

In the fall, in Bajotenland they will be working on the taboos surrounding mental health because only together are we resilient!

Spell work

Municipal authorities contacted local merchants to write statements on their storefronts. Municipal buildings will also be brightened up with fun and positive sayings. The idea is that when people pass by, it makes them feel good. Local merchants can order free chalk signs from the local government and also a guide with interesting sayings.

-You don’t have to be perfect to be great…

Don’t search too much for happiness, as you will soon forget about it.

– The sayings fit the Stand Together campaign.

-This is why we also call for the addition of common hashtags.

-Residents can also share a nice saying on social media.

-The more positive energy in Bajotenland, the better!

The mirror stickers will also brighten up the toilets of the Town Hall, Sports Hall, Music Academy, Social House,….

“Under the slogan ‘You don’t have to be perfect to be great, what is your strength?’ we want to help break the taboo and encourage people to think about their strengths in difficult times.

List of books in local libraries

In consultation with the Bajotenland Regional Library, a list of books on this topic will be provided so that libraries can make the necessary purchases. “We want to offer library visitors a wonderful selection of books on the topic of mental health, even for the younger ones among us. Our library staff are also contributing to the campaign.

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Introducing Lynn Dundeville’s book “George and Rita”

During the Seniors Fair in Hearne, on Saturday 25 November at 1pm, Lynn Dindeville will present her book on dementia. Because dementia is also mental health! The performance is completely free. Her book can be purchased online at the Standaard Boekhandel book pavilion. It is not necessary to register for this activity.

Pajottenland Mental Health Carousel

In the municipalities of Jalmarden, Herne and Goik, workshops on self-care and breathing for relaxation and coping with stress and anxiety have been planned in cooperation with the Avansa Halle-Vilvoorde Training Center. In this way, they want to bring education on the topic of mental health closer to citizens.

Mental health helpline

“We want to make the mental health registration point more widely known in the Bajotenland region. The target group we want to reach is very broad, namely general practitioners and frontline workers, but also all citizens/residents in our region. This helpline should be established so that people can They can find answers to all their questions about mental health more quickly.

Healthy municipalities

Bianca VanRippingen, a health prevention worker in Bajotenland, organizes these actions within the Inter-Municipal Action Plan for Healthy Municipalities and the Sustainable Development Goal “Good Health and Well-Being”. “Because in Bajotenland we work to improve municipalities!”

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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