The beauty pageant is totally out of control: Miss World Goofs …

The beauty pageant for married women in Sri Lanka has turned into an embarrassing scene. Winner Pushbika de Silva had to deliver her crown in a strange way a few minutes after winning the title “Most Beautiful Married Woman”. The beautiful Sri Lankan had split, after which Miss World Caroline Goree brutally tore the crown off her head.

The current Miss World played a prominent role in the top Sri Lankan event. Soon after the announcement, the podium stepped up and snatched the crown from the winner’s head, causing unprecedented riots in the world of fans. Goree thought it was her job as Miss World to intervene and announced the second winner on her initiative.

Head wound

In the chaotic hours following the failure of the beauty pageant, Pushpica de Silva is said to have stated that she is not officially divorced, but that she “only” lives separately from her husband. This is a very sensitive issue in the religions of Sri Lanka. She also claims that she was forced to go to the hospital due to a head injury. Pushpika has reportedly filed a complaint against Miss World. To complete the series, there were also backstage fights.

After the accident – which occurred in front of the very eyes of many personalities – the organization issued a statement. The beauty pageant rejects Goree’s work and announces that Pushpika will continue to be the crowning winner.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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