This was provided by broadcaster and comedian Alexander Armstrong, who is making a documentary about the Queen on the occasion of her 95th birthday later this month. He reveals a funny anecdote about her, which can be seen in her The Queen and her cousins. The Queen is said to have written hilarious letters pretending to be her dogs, her well-known dogs.
When Alexander went to the toilet with the late Sir Blair Stuart Wilson – the Queen’s former aide – he found handwritten letters framed on the wall. In the letters, the Queen apparently pretended to be her dogs in writing to her Jack Russell assistant. According to the documentary filmmaker, she was “playful” and “a perfect example of the Queen’s strange sense of humor.” Alexander says in the documentary: “He wrote letters from Jack Russell to Hippo, and the Queen wrote letters backwards.” “I hope I can remember what he said. I remember grabbing my stomach, crying with laughter because they were so funny.”
For the new documentary, he traveled across the UK to meet some of the Queen’s nephews and nieces. How does it feel to be part of this exceptional family? He spoke with, among others, Russian Princess Olga Romanov, the Queen’s granddaughter, but also Lord Ivar Mountbatten. He married her husband in 2018, which made them the first gay couple in royal history.
Millions of Britons saw in 1969 how Queen Elizabeth and her family tried to polish their poor image with an amazing documentary. But the documentary was banned until recently .. After more than fifty years, it suddenly appeared on YouTube. You see it below.