The European Commission declares that the United Kingdom is in default for violating the Brexit agreement

However, this unilateral decision was not accepted by the European Commission, which wants the Northern Ireland protocol to be fully implemented. So without exception in the northern Irish ports. The commission said the unilateral decision violated UK law. If it does not want those checks, the British government should decide to follow the same European standards, the commission added.

“The protocol in Ireland and Northern Ireland is the only way to safeguard the Good Friday Agreement and to maintain peace and stability, while at the same time avoiding a tough border on the island of Ireland. The EU and the UK have agreed to a joint protocol. We are committed to implementing it together,” he said. Maro šefŠovič responded to the unilateral UK decision.

Default notification is now the first step taken by the Commission. It will be a month now for the British government to issue a response. Over time, the default notice by the Commission will lead to proceedings before the European Court of Justice.

At the same time, the Commission is opening the door to a political, negotiated settlement. In a moment, the “political letter” to the United Kingdom, he calls on the British government to withdraw the unilateral action and find a solution acceptable to both parties.

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Ferdinand Woolridge

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