The famous Russian rocket scientist died after eating a poisonous mushroom

Melnikov led the Rocket and Space Systems Division at RSC Energia, a Russian company that manufactures and launches rockets, spacecraft, and space station modules. He was also a principal investigator at TsNIIMASH, a Russian state science center working on rocket and spacecraft development, and has authored nearly 300 scientific papers.

According to the Russian daily Moskovsky Komsomolets, the man went to pick mushrooms in the forest near his country house near Moscow on August 9. And the next day he had prepared it and ate it. He was completely alone, and his family was still in the Russian capital.


When he began to feel unwell, he returned to Moscow. He was showing all symptoms of food poisoning and was taken to hospital by ambulance when his condition continued to deteriorate. He was admitted to the Department of Toxicology at the Sklifosovskogo Institute.

Melnikov could have been a fan of Russula.Sculpture by Lawrence Machels

They tried to save his life for twenty days, but his kidneys failed, and his family was told on Wednesday that he did not survive. The man’s family says he picked mushrooms in the forest every summer and had never been sick before.

Three weeks ago, Russia launched the first lunar lander in nearly fifty years. Luna-25 was successfully put into lunar orbit, but crashed a few days later while trying to land near the South Pole. This was the first time a lunar lander had landed there. Meanwhile, India successfully carried out the task.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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