The far-right Alternative for Germany party is considering holding a referendum on Germany’s exit from the European Union outside

The far-right Alternative for Germany party, which leads opinion polls in Germany, is considering organizing a referendum on the country’s exit from the European Union if it comes to power. Co-Chair Alice Weidel said this in an interview with the Financial Times.

“If reform is not possible, and if we fail to return sovereignty to EU member states, we must leave it to the people to decide, as the United Kingdom did,” Weidel said. So a question about “Dexit”. Weidel describes Britain’s exit from the European Union after the 2016 referendum as “a model for Germany.”

Buoyed by excellent opinion polls in recent months, the AfD makes no secret of its desire to help govern. In the run-up to the 2025 parliamentary elections, the far-right party wants to field a candidate for chancellor for the first time. In opinion polls, the AfD is just behind the CDU’s CDU, but ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party.

The most important parties in our eastern neighbors have repeatedly ruled out joining the AfD, against a backdrop of a political landscape that has become increasingly fragmented and makes forming coalitions at the national and regional level an increasingly difficult task.

Three important state elections will be held in eastern Germany in September. In Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, the AfD always leads in opinion polls with more than 30% of the vote.

Mass demonstrations

The party was originally Eurosceptic, but due to its increasingly right-wing trajectory in recent years, this element has become somewhat ambiguous. At a conference last summer, the AfD once again brought this belief into the spotlight, while a large section of the population still holds EU membership in high esteem.

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The AfD has been under criticism for about ten days after it leaked that several party members, including Fidel’s right-hand man, participated in a meeting in Potsdam with leaders of the Identity Movement and discussed plans for a mass “exodus” of foreigners from Germany. Germany. In response, massive demonstrations took place across the country for several days against the far-right party and against racism.

Anti-far-right party demonstration in Berlin.
Anti-far-right party demonstration in Berlin. © Reuters

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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