The final season of After Life manages to move again – VPRO Cinema

Over the course of three seasons, this hatred of humans slowly turns into a mixture of loneliness and philanthropy. Especially his relationships with other people in his village slowly changed his attitude to life, such as the turbulent relationship with his brother-in-law (also his boss in the local newspaper) or his deeper relationship with the elderly widow Anne. At the end of season two, there finally seemed to be some hope on the horizon again, as it appeared that Tony had begun a new relationship with nurse Emma.

However, in season three, we learn that little has come out of it. Tony struggles to commit, and can’t give up on Lisa. He seems to be slipping slowly into depression, and even the fact that he’s built some cherished friendships doesn’t seem to alter his constant sense of hopelessness. Tony wants to be someone who does well at all costs, but he simply doesn’t. How can you move forward in the future, if life is not as good as it was in the past?

At first glance, little has changed in the series since meeting Tony, which follows roughly the same pattern in every episode. Tony begins and ends the day by watching Lisa’s home videos, going in for a newspaper report, sipping a drink at home – sometimes with company, more often alone. Season 3 is more of the same in this respect, but the main reason the series continues to dazzle lies in Tony’s slow evolution from super villain to superhero. Or as he describes his development: “I thought it was a superpower not to care about others. I was wrong. Being friendly and making others feel good: this is the real superpower.”

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Sophie Baker

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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