Last Thursday, a film festival on human rights was held in The Hague, giving filmmakers and visitors an opportunity to highlight human rights issues around the world through films. The festival was organized by Global Human Rights Defense (GHRD), an international non-governmental organization that hosted the event. The films highlight situations in different countries where human rights violations occur.
The film festival screened a number of films on human rights issues in different countries and regions, including Xinjiang, Tibet and Pakistan. In the movie “From Xinyang to the Netherlands,” a woman who fled Uyghur concentration camps speaks. “The atrocities it faced, such as forced sterilizations, are still out of the picture in China due to the lack of press freedom,” GHRD said.
In Don’t Forget Tibet, the Dalai Lama recounts his journey and journey from Tibet to India in 1959. The film illustrates the concern for human rights in Tibet.
Another film, Life in Darkness, produced by the Pakistani human rights NGO, highlighted the systematic degradation of minorities in Pakistan. The film highlighted repression, extremism and fundamentalism in Pakistan, which leave minorities in a state of decline.
The panel discussions were also part of the film festival, which was mainly attended by students. The role of the international community in addressing human rights issues was also discussed. GHRD: “Many situations can only develop in a positive way if more international pressure is applied. Supporting NGOs to inform people locally in countries where human rights are high is also an important issue. The language of films can raise awareness that we hope will Reflected in the power and influence of future generations.†
More than 460 people attended the event, including 315 students from the universities of Leiden, Haags Hugeschule, Utrecht, Amsterdam Maastricht, Rotterdam and Groningen, people from the GHRD network, as well as visitors who were informed of the event through social media. .
The ceremony was also attended by a number of officials from the Dutch Foreign Ministry and various embassies, including Switzerland, Georgia, the United Kingdom, Tunisia and Peru. Global Defense of Human Rights is an international non-governmental organization, based in The Hague, Netherlands, with a special focus on the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide.
source GHRD