The health situation in the south-eastern district of Utrecht in the photo – Bunniks News

July 20, 2023 at 4:00 p.m


BUNNIK The demand for care and support is growing among the elderly and young people in the south-eastern region of Utrecht. Also in Punic municipality. There are significant differences between municipalities and provinces in the region. This is evident from the regional picture made by residents, municipalities, GGD and Zilveren Kruis, said the municipality of Bunnik.

“Everyone in the south-east district of Utrecht wants positive health. We want people to be able to continue living as independently at home as possible, with the support of the people around them. If they need care and support, we want it to be done easily and digitally where possible. Changes are required for that.”

Collaboration in training

Together with caregivers and caregivers, Bunnik set out to identify the most important challenges. There is a difference between the demand for welfare and welfare and the supply. This puts pressure on staff and financial resources. This problem is increasing, especially among the elderly, because more and more elderly people are living in the area and they need more and more care,” Bonnick says.

There are significant differences between municipalities and provinces in terms of health. The mental health of young adults and young adults in particular requires attention. Finally, collaboration between carers and caregivers is increasingly seen as fragmented due to regulations and separate funding streams.”

Affordable care

This is a great ambition and a great challenge due to the growing population, the large differences in health and the aging of the population in the region. With the information from the regional overview, the municipalities, residents, carers, social welfare and Zilveren Kruis will draw up a plan for the region in the next six months. It identifies a limited number of challenges where the risks of jeopardizing access, affordability, quality of care and well-being are greatest. The central question is also: What determines a population’s happiness and health? This question cannot and should not always be answered carefully. Other solutions also increase the happiness and health of the population.”

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The regional view provides information about the availability and performance of health care in the area, about expected care needs and other important aspects of the population. This information is based on past data and predictions for the future. The experiences of professionals and residents are also included.

Big commitment

Bonnick: We thank everyone who contributed ideas and provided input to improve care. Not only parties from the field, but also representatives of the population, care and welfare organizations, participants of the IZA Utrecht Administrative Network Table and the Zuid Oost Verbonden Board of Directors table also took part.

Regional picture south-east Utrecht

The regional photo has been made public since July 1, 2023 and can be found at The right care in the right place. A summary of the regional picture can also be found at Information chart.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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