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The New York Times: Biden is the Oval Office, Trump is the stage

The American The New York Times Watch current President Biden disappear briefly from the spotlight. “No commander in chief has himself eclipsed a commander-in-chief in over a century. With the first criminal trial of a former president in US history, it will be difficult to lead the national debate.”

Through conversations with insiders, they pieced together how mixed Trump’s feelings were about all of the attention: “Frustrated at being at the mercy of events beyond his control, he also embraced a spectacle he thought he could benefit from.”

El País: “The Greatest Show in the World”

Spanish newspaper El Pais He identifies the elements that make Trump’s impeachment “a circus entrance into the campaign”, “carefully orchestrated to stir controversy”.

“The setting is like no other: New York, Manhattan, the criminal courts. The timing is perfect: a few months before the Republican primaries start. Personality: Unique because of his narcissistic personality, his career as a real estate mogul, TV star, and Republican president (…). The conditions are perfect. : the country is divided and polarized.”

The Telegraph: Uncharted Political Waters

British newspaper The telegraph He described the court scene as “a turning point in the criminal justice system and American politics,” which also takes place a year before the election. As the first current or former US president to face criminal charges, Trump’s predicament puts the US in uncharted political waters.

Le Monde: A two-faced persecution

The French newspaper wrote: “After saturation, bewilderment” Le Monde. “The former president and candidate in the Republican primary organizes his confrontation with the judiciary in the media and mobilizes his supporters.”

For the past two weeks, Donald Trump has once again been the dark star of the American media, around which everything seemed to revolve. On Tuesday, April 4, the Code of Judicial Gravity brutally reinstated him among the ordinary suspects.”

The Guardian: Every indictment makes Trump stronger

Rupert Murdoch, the Koch network and other right-wing power brokers know that the monster they created is now out of control. Watchman.

“The indictment of Donald Trump did not drive a wooden stake in his heart. He rose again, omnipresent and ominous. (…]When he enters the criminal court to give his mark, evangelicals revere him as the adulterous King David or the martyred Christ. Trump does not need a He raised his hand to signal to the House Republicans to shout a “witch hunt. He owns the house because he owns a hotel.”

DER SPIEGEL: The new Trump show has begun

woman He predicts that Trump will once again dominate all media in the coming months: “While Trump appeared reckless in court in New York, we can assume that he enjoys being the center of attention again. All the favorites from previous episodes of The Trump Show will return. On TV, you will defend Ivanka Trump in tears about her father. Melania’s wife, an alleged fraudster, will first play the role of a humiliated liver, and will eventually join her husband in the next presidential campaign.

Despite all this interest, the German magazine questions its effectiveness: “Will this help Trump in the 2024 election? I have my doubts.”

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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