The National Academy of Sciences sounds the alarm

[Foto: Sophie James/Shutterstock]

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) is sounding the alarm about the government’s lagging investment in science and technology. China has already overtaken the US in research publications, patents (including those related to artificial intelligence), knowledge- and technology-intensive manufacturing, and STEM doctorates.

in message Intended to stimulate broad social debate, the NSF exposes the pain points. Radical changes are needed to prevent America from sliding further down the slope, and to prevent China from becoming an absolute power.

Government investment in R&D should be the norm, because there is more focus on the long term. But according to the National Science Foundation, federal input has been eroded in recent decades.

Research and development in companies

The business community has fully assumed this role. Since 1980, corporations have dominated R&D. This has become much worse in the past ten years. It is in itself welcome that corporate R&D’s share of GDP increased to 3.5 percent in 2021. But this type of research cannot be a substitute for federal R&D. Because only the government can ensure that funds are directed to all areas of science, that they are well spread geographically, and that they are adequately monitored over the long term. Corporate R&D and federal R&D are complementary.

The NSF also warns that the United States is failing to properly train its students and employees. America is not leading by any means. Among advanced economies, American elementary and high school students are in the “dark middle” when it comes to science subjects.

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Magnetic effect

Most talent comes from other countries. In this regard, the United States continues to be a magnet for smart engineers and precise scientists from far and wide. In 1993, 27 percent of them were born abroad. In 2021, that figure was already 43 percent. If America becomes too dependent on foreign talent, that also poses a risk. Never before in history has America relied so heavily on this influx. But at the same time, it has become harder to retain that talent for America.

China is the biggest competitor and partner. As we mentioned earlier, it has already surpassed the United States scientifically. China is a formidable competitor in technology areas of vital national security importance, such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors, quantum computers, and biotechnology. China is also the United States’ largest partner in published research, including in artificial intelligence.

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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