The North Sea could become Europe’s green power station. When these bumps are taken

The Netherlands has already noted that things can go wrong on the ground, where the electricity grids are congested and where it became clear last year that in some places it was no longer possible to connect new residential areas and businesses.

The energy transition isn’t just about cables, solar parks, and wind turbines, it’s probably more about planning. The latter threatens to go wrong. According to experts, more than 11 gigawatts of offshore wind can be achieved for 2030. After all, this has been established for a long time. But another 10, as Parliament wants, will not work. The Ministry of Economic Affairs recently said that an additional 6 GW is possible before 2030, and the rest will be ready later.

Olof van der Jag, director of the Dutch Renewable Energy Association (NVDE), says the planning process should be faster. It has now been eight years of talking and two years of building. That must be fifty fifty, he stated recently in Volkskrant.

He says more capacity is needed in government. If you ask a wind farm developer to build an additional 20 gigawatts in the next 10 years, that’s not a problem. I think 25 years will still be working.” “The bottleneck in infrastructure, they should be able to bring that electricity to shore.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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