The Polish President vetoes the budget law

The head of state’s veto can be overridden by a three-fifths majority of parliamentarians present in the Polish House of Commons (Sejm). However, combined government parties only hold 248 of the 460 seats in the House of Commons. The conflict surrounding the media is currently the most violent between the new government, whose parties won a majority in the October elections, and the former state authority of the Law and Justice Party. Duda is the latest high-ranking official of the Nationalist and Populist Party.

The new Minister of Culture fired the management team of Poland’s public broadcaster in one fell swoop on Wednesday. The Tusk government accuses the media of spreading partisan propaganda in recent years under the PiS government. International organizations also criticized one-sided reports provided by public media.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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