The South Korean Central Bank also wants to launch a digital currency

The central bank of South Korea wants to release a digital version of the won. The Institute of Finance is now looking for a tech company to help design that coin. The digital won will be tested this year starting in August.

South Korea is the newest country to consider Digital copy From its national currency.

  • The Bank of Korea (BoK) announced that it is currently looking for a partner from the tech world to help it develop and test digital won.
  • Those who follow the cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency world closely should not be surprised. The Bank of Korea was actually launched in February Book That explored the potential legal problems for such a coin.
  • Another clue we received recently: Since the end of April, it has been illegal for the country’s financial regulators to invest in cryptocurrencies. “This procedure aims to avoid conflicts of interest,” she said at the time.
  • The Bank of Korea’s own logic: “The number of monetary transactions is decreasing. We are taking steps to ensure our ability to implement rapid shifts in the financial system.
  • Starting in August, the bank wants to test digital won via smartphone payments, transfers, and even by registering collateral.
  • The test will run through December, but could be extended well into 2022.

The central bank wants to respond to this trend with such a digital won Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that are starting to appear pretty much ubiquitous. These currencies are central banks’ response to the increasing popularity of decentralized digital currencies.

An overview of all CBDCs in development

The US dollar may be the current currency standard, but China wants to make the digital yuan the new dominant currency. “South Korea must devise strategies to determine the role it will play in this new monetary season,” the South Korean central bank said.


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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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