British Minister Michael Gove (Cabinet Affairs) announced on Monday that a law that undermines important parts of the EU withdrawal agreement will not be repealed. The European Union wants London to repeal the law, but according to Goff, the British want to keep the law as a safety net.
“We want the full implementation of the withdrawal agreement,” Goff said on Monday. But the provision remains, with the support of the House of Commons, a safety net. “
European Union Commissioner Maros Sivkovic, who represents the European Union when it comes to implementing the agreement, said on Monday that the European Union does not like it. “The withdrawal agreement must be implemented. We cannot renegotiate it, let alone change it unilaterally.”
In the clause, London grants itself the power to alter border agreements between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Boris Johnson government wants the goods to move smoothly across the UK, while it was agreed last year that Northern Ireland would remain part of the European Customs Union.
As a result, products from Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) are simply not allowed to cross into Northern Ireland. All this was agreed upon to avoid the difficult border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.