The United States says it has made “very serious” proposals to relaunch the nuclear deal

But the United States is counting on “mutual” efforts from Iran, as he heard later on. “We have seen some signs of this, but it is certainly not enough. The question is whether Iran has the will to take the same pragmatic approach as the United States to comply again with the obligations set out in the agreement.” On the other hand, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas believes that “all parties have shown their willingness to work with the seriousness necessary to achieve the same goal: the full implementation of the nuclear agreement.” He stated this in response to the German media. He described the talks as “constructive,” but he cautions against being overly optimistic, as they involve complex negotiations in which everyone must be willing to make concessions. It won’t be easy. We are only at the beginning of intense negotiations. “

In Vienna, diplomatic representatives from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, China and Iran held talks this week on the possibility of reconnecting the United States to the 2015 agreement. The talks will stop at the end of this week, but will end next week. She continued.

The nuclear deal was supposed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. In return, the severe economic sanctions imposed on Tehran were lifted. The deal was approved in 2015 with the impetus of then-President Obama. The current president, Joe Biden, was then vice president. The agreement was shaken when former President Donald Trump withdrew his country from the accord in 2018 and switched back to sanctions. This, in turn, prompted Iran to increasingly fail to comply with its obligations. The incumbent US President Joe Biden wants the United States to join the agreement once again. But Iran calls on the United States to work first to lift sanctions

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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