The vast majority of online consumers are unaware of online VAT rules

Most Dutch people (52 percent) who have bought something in a web shop outside the EU in the last six months are not yet aware of the new VAT rules. This is according to a poll Customs. Anyone who buys anything at a web shop outside the EU from July 1 will always pay VAT even for purchases under 22 euros.

Currently, companies outside the EU do not have to charge import VAT on packages up to 22 euros, but companies within the EU do. As a result, web shops outside the EU offer cheaper products than European web shops. This will change with the new rules.

“VAT will be added for purchases under 1 22 from July 1,” says Director General of Customs Nanette van Shelvan. “Typically this is about 21 percent of the purchase amount.” Customs has launched a campaign to make consumers aware of the new VAT rules.

Consumers like to shop in China

According to a poll commissioned by Customs, China has been a favorite for many years when it comes to web stores outside the EU. Nine out of ten respondents have recently purchased here. This is followed by web stores in the United Kingdom (14 percent) and the United States (12.3 percent).

ALSO READ: The Dutch shop online even after being locked up

Presented by: Peter Wisser

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Ferdinand Woolridge

 "Subtly charming analyst. Beer maven. Future teen idol. Twitter guru. Lifelong bacon fan. Pop culture lover. Passionate social media evangelist."

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