The world’s most famous bad luck seal emerged from its misery …

His mother deserted him on the Dutch shore, was treated for an illness in Calais and caught by the River Thames near London when he was in danger of choking, but now the end has already come for the nine-month-old Freddy Seal.

The still young animal was attacked by a stray dog ​​on the bank of the Thames more than 110 kilometers inland on Sunday. Despite the intervention of passers-by, the seal was seriously injured. So dangerous, in fact, that the treating doctors at South Essex Wildlife Hospital decided to take the seal out of its misery on Monday evening. “His fin is broken and dislocated. We can’t get this right anymore, partly because the seals have a diving reflex and don’t breathe properly when they’re under anesthesia.” woman.

Freddie’s death comes as a shock to the British public, which has become fascinated by the troubled seals’ life path.

Freddy got his name in an animal hospital in the Netherlands in August, where he regained strength after his mother disappeared from the scene.

Then the animal appeared in Calais, France, where it had to be treated for lung worms in January of this year.

The series of accidents in his life still never ends, because two weeks ago Freddy had to be hunted from the River Thames near England because he got a piece of fishing in his mouth and around his neck. This prevented him from eating and intervention was necessary. That adventure also ended well, but Sunday’s attack was fatal to Freddie.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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