There are no emission standards yet for many of the “substances of high interest” that companies emit. Until 2023, it is still uncertain what damage to the environment and health will be

Since 2018, a national approach has been worked out to reduce emissions of substances of critical importance in companies. These are chemicals that, for example, are carcinogenic or reduce fertility.

Nationally, however, standards for maximum permissible emissions to air and water have not yet been established for a significant portion of the 1,600 Critical Substances (ZZS). Therefore, current permits do not include standards for this and companies cannot be held accountable for them.

knowing today

FUMO’s environmental department recently came up with an inventory of, among others, 36 Friesian waste companies

Potentially significant release of material. Based on a national report, any ZZS that could be expected in the waste streams for which the company obtained a permit were evaluated.

Additionally, “with current knowledge, the standards have not been shown to be exceeded,” the district says in a written response, but in fact standards have already been established for a few ZZSs.

Commissioner Douwe Hoogland would like more information from 28 of the 36 waste companies. Now that it is clear which type of ZZS is used, it is possible to measure whether and to what extent these materials will subsequently end up in air and water.

The province also states that the so-called MPR value, which is the maximum allowable risk to health, will also be taken into account in companies that have emissions of substances of significant importance.


All of this will continue until 2023. According to the county, this cannot be done any faster, because national rules around the standards have yet to be made. Only then can these emission standards be included in new permits and the measurement results can be tested against. Companies can then commit to doing so.

This means that until then there will be uncertainty about the environmental and health effects of ZZS emissions. When asked if this won’t take long, the province is referring to the timeline that has been agreed upon at the national level.

A coordinator has been appointed to come up with a national approach. Every five years, the situation will be examined in relation to the goal of gradually minimizing ZZS emissions.

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Emissions of substances of serious concern in waste enterprises are unclear, further investigation is required by Frislan County

July 7, 2021 at 12:45 pm

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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