These tips can help you reduce your risk of falling

Falling at an older age can have serious consequences. The number of elderly people who die after falls is increasing. In 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) will report that the number of fatal falls has nearly doubled within 10 years. Adequate exercise and fall prevention are ways to ensure that risks are reduced, even at a younger age. We list what you can do to prevent falls.

Eliminate dangers in and around the house

A large number of falls occur in and around the home. So it is advised to take a critical look around. A loose rug, wires, slippery floor, or high stairs can cause a lot of trouble. By addressing these (or addressing them), you reduce your risk immediately. You can do this, for example, with an anti-slip layer or by connecting and masking cables.

Climbing stairs also carries risks. In a previous article we provided tips to keep climbing stairs safer.

Plus, make sure you’re always doing something on your feet that gives you a lot of control. Incorrect or very slippery shoes can greatly increase the risk of falls. If you don’t like wearing shoes around the house, choose flip-flops that are sturdy, fit well and only take them off when you’re sitting. In a previous article we offer more tips about safe and unsafe shoes.

In the garden, a wooden platform can cause slippery situations. So this floor may not be the most suitable option. If you have one, we have tips for preventing extreme deck slippage. It is also advisable to keep the paths (garden) you walk on and the sidewalk in front of your house clear of leaves. Because the sheets with rain provide a lot of slip.

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If it’s slippery due to the winter weather, it may be wise not to go outside at the most uncomfortable moment. But for those who still have to go out, say to do some shopping, we have tips to prevent slipping.

Make sure you have enough muscle strength

With age, muscle strength decreases and endurance decreases. The reaction also slows down. These aspects ensure the possibility of falls. Staying active and exercising with your balance can reduce the risk of falling. For example, consider holding the table while standing on tiptoe and walking back and forth 3 times. Or standing on one leg while brushing teeth. This improves your balance. The Netherlands is on the moveProgram presenter Olga Commandeur has included a number of useful tips and exercises especially for reducing the risk of falls. For example, you stress the importance of continuing to climb the stairs.

medicine check

Sometimes medications or a certain combination of medications increase the risk of falling. Therefore, stay well informed about what you are taking and whether new medications are appropriate for those you are already taking. It doesn’t hurt to have your doctor or pharmacy check this again. It may also be possible to switch to another medication that works best for you.

The importance of nutrition

Your diet can literally make you feel better about yourself. If you are not sure if you are getting enough vitamins and proteins, for example, consult your doctor. Also, make sure you continue to drink enough (water), even if you don’t feel thirsty. This can only ensure that you maintain greater balance while walking.

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Good vision reduces the risk of falls

It is important to see where you walk. Therefore, make sure that any glasses have the correct strength and that the lenses are clean. In addition, make sure that the house is light enough. During the day by letting in plenty of daylight and when it is dark, with LEDs. If you often go to the toilet at night, a light that turns on automatically when you get out of bed may be an idea.

A plan for the National Fall Prevention Program is under preparation

Fall prevention is not only important for personal situations. It is also important to reduce stress on care and maintain older adults’ self-reliance. Injury prevention in the knowledge center safety. nl It was reported on the website that the government had included a procedure for this procedure in the coalition agreement. This states that from 2023 fall prevention should be widely applied in the Netherlands. A program plan for this is in the pipeline. This makes it possible to carry out fall prevention activities on a large scale for the elderly with an increased risk of falls. But even outside of this national plan, much is already possible in the field of fall prevention. If you fear falling or if you want to reduce the risk of it, ask your doctor for help in this area in your case.

(Source: ANP,, archive. Photo: Shutterstock)

Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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