This is the difference in gut bacteria between men and women

This may explain why you feel more bloated than the men in your life.

As a woman, do you care a lot about your lifestyle, healthy diet and whether you drink enough water every day, when men in your area don’t seem to care at all? Do you still suffer from flatulence more than them? Your lifestyle probably has nothing to do with this at all, but it’s a natural difference between male and female gut flora. The British designer asked Dr. Laura Freeman from Intestine It came with a clear explanation. This phenomenon has its own term: microgenderdomeThis is confirmed by studies that have shown that the intestines of women react differently to a certain diet than the intestines of men.

First of all, a significant difference was found between our intestinal flora patterns. This research was carried out already in 2016, and it was carried out by English scientists. These different patterns make it difficult to predict how our gut will react to certain foods. The maturation of our gut also plays a role: Although it is often joked that women mature faster than men, this is true for many members. Likewise for the intestines. As a result, the microbes in the female body react differently to external influences than to their male counterpart. In addition, scientists suspect that the diversity in the microbiome of women differs from that of men, but it is still too early to make a clear conclusion. Freeman cautions that more research is needed before that.

The above reasons may seem a bit vague, but in fact they have a clear cause. And this is not entirely surprising, because it is the hormones that ensure that our intestines react completely differently from the reaction of men. The hormones estrogen and testosterone in particular affect the intestinal flora.

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However, there’s bad news for women anyway, according to Freeman: Most diseases we know affect women more than men. “For example, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and various autoimmune diseases are more common in females.” Although the medical world has known this data for some time, it is still far from being taken into account. For a long time there were absolutely no medical studies on female bodies, despite the significant differences between males and females. “Fortunately, there is more and more data that allows us to better investigate these differences,” Freeman says. With a glimmer of hope, it may also mean a better treatment for that bulge soon.

source | Barbergood housekeeping

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Megan Vasquez

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