Together on the path to a healthy life in Westerbork

A successful meeting with the goal of better health for each resident. iPhone Coaster

The Healthy in Midden-Drenthe team, Westerbork GP practice and the Municipality of Midden-Drenthe are working together to improve the health of Westerbork residents. By strengthening the “Gezond in Westerbork” network, the core group wants to allow residents, professionals and entrepreneurs to work together for better health.

Under the motto “Staying as healthy as possible and feeling good in Westerbork”, the core group looks at what is already in Westerbork and looks for connections and reinforcements. The focus is on working together on the things that matter to the village, such as preventing loneliness, a healthy lifestyle and optimal mental health.


Over the past four years, the core group has held four meetings of population health professionals. As a result, collaboration has taken on an additional form creating a network where professionals know how to find each other and coordinated collaboration where possible. More residents are also participating in interest association representation and St. summer activities.

Information and education

Last year there was more information and education. An example would be distributing sunflower seeds and flowers to fight loneliness. The “Walking on Wheels” initiative was also launched last week.

So Yvonne Koster on behalf of Gezond in Midden-Drenthe is satisfied: “Caring for each other and making true connection remains an important commitment to optimal mental health. Living together and enjoying life in Westerbork.”

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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