Trump still has to turn over documents to investigate the break-in…

A judge in Washington, D.C., ruled on Tuesday that former President Donald Trump must hand over required documents to the House Special Committee to investigate the storming of the Capitol. This was reported by the American media.

Trump went to court in October to block the transfer of the documents. He did so after President Joe Biden authorized filings with the committee regarding Trump’s actions on January 6, the day the Capitol was broken into.

Trump protested his complaint in his complaint Executive Franchise, which gives the president the right not to disclose information to Congress.

The judge now ruled in favor of the Republican. I wrote in the ruling that it is in the public interest that the events of January 6 be investigated, so that they do not happen again in the future. “For the first time since 1980, there was no peaceful transfer of power,” she wrote. NBC News.

The disputed documents, which number about 40 according to the media, will in principle be handed over to the commission on Friday. Trump’s lawyer has already said he will appeal if a judge decides that the documents should be released.

More subpoenas

The US House of Representatives committee investigating the January 6 storming of the Capitol also summoned a large number of people on Tuesday. They include former White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany and former President Donald Trump’s top adviser, Stephen Miller.

Persons summoned must testify before the commission and submit documents.

Kayleigh McEnany, a former White House spokeswoman, was also called, among others.
Photo: AP

A total of 10 former aides of Donald Trump were indicted on Tuesday. In addition to McEnany and Miller, they also include former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Christopher Liddell and former National Security Adviser to Vice President Mike Pence.

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The commission notes that McEnany, as its spokeswoman, has made several public statements, including about alleged electoral fraud. Miller and his team co-wrote the speech Trump gave just before the storm at a rally near the Capitol.

On Monday, six people were also called before the panel, including former Trump security adviser Michael Flynn and campaign manager William Stebbin.

“Hell will explode”

The committee wants to know every detail about the Trump camp’s efforts to reverse the election results through testimonies and documents. In total, more than 150 people have already been questioned in connection with the events of January 6.

Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser who had previously been subpoenaed, declined to testify before the committee about his role in the attack on the Capitol. He refuses to explain why he declared before the storm that “hell is going to explode” and invokes the impunity enjoyed by the president and advisers. The House of Representatives recently decided that Bannon should therefore be prosecuted for contempt of Parliament.

Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6, as election results were being validated by Congress. Trump has consistently maintained that Democrats stole the election from him. Five people, including a police officer, died during and after the storm. Trump was impeached a second time and impeachment proceedings began, but the Republican-controlled Senate acquitted him.

Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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