Two simple tips for a better night’s sleep according to the professor

Sleep acts as a reset button for your brain. That’s why we all strive to get a good night’s sleep, but sometimes that’s easier said than done when you spend hours in bed staring at the ceiling.

Not only are you working less well if you don’t sleep well at night, but a night’s rest also ensures that your muscles can recover after a workout and that you can organize your thoughts.

To be able to fully benefit from a 100 percent night’s rest, you need to make sure that you fall asleep quickly and don’t toss and turn in bed for too long.

The secret to a good night’s sleep

Fortunately, there are sleep experts out there who can give us tips on how to get the most out of our night’s sleep. In an interview with the sleep expert and professor Sigrid pills The secret to good sleep. Or it actually gives us two very simple but effective tips.

1. A mind trick

In short, you need to be able to let go of thoughts and trust that you can sleep. Easier said than done of course, but it’s the heart of the matter.

Sigrid: “A lot of people pre-think that they won’t be able to sleep because they couldn’t sleep before. If you slept with these thoughts, there’s a good chance it won’t work. If you have faith and go to bed with an idea: ‘Okay, sleep well,’ it will be You have a better chance of going to dreamland soon.”

So sleeping better is basically a mental game, but of course it’s also important to be tired enough to be able to fall asleep. Habits like walking for an hour every day will definitely help in getting a better night’s sleep.

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2. A dark living room is good for your sleep

Another tip for falling asleep faster at night is offered by Professor of Chronology and Health Bert van der Horst. “Darking the living room in the evening before you go to bed can help you get a good night’s sleep,” he says. “This way, your body gets used to your brain that it’s night time and it’s time to sleep. This way you can channel your biological rhythm a little bit.”

So, make the lights less bright in the evening (it is better to use candlelight), and also make sure that you don’t look too much at the phone or TV screen in the evening. These tips for getting a better night’s sleep may seem obvious, but how often do you spend the night in bed browsing Instagram? specially. Maybe too often.

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If you really want to help with your biorhythm, you can sleep with sheer curtains or buy a wake-up lamp. This way, you wake up naturally in the morning, and it is easier to wake up than if you were completely in the dark.

More benefits of sleep

It is a fact that a good body and sleep are linked. Insomnia is a proven cause of weight gain, even if you’d rather lose kilos than be rich. A good night’s sleep is essential.

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Two simple tips for a better night’s sleep according to the professor

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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