UK postpones phytosanitary studies for cut flowers

The duty of phytosanitary inspections on cut flowers assigned to the United Kingdom (UK) has been postponed to 1 January 2022. Until then, the English will also refrain from inspecting plants and trees.

Cut flowers destined for the UK must undergo phytosanitary inspection in the country of origin from April 1st. This duty was postponed by the British for nine months.

The requirement of advance notice for cut flowers imposed on the UK now applies from 1 January 2022. Since then, the documents and phytosanitary certificates of the cut flowers that entered the British country will also be checked.


Phytosanitary certificates are required for plants and trees entering the UK from January 1 last. The British have postponed the checks until January 1, 2022. Initially, the British are going to check the plants and trees from July 1st. Checks for cut flowers, trees and plants will take place at border control posts (border control posts), but not at destinations (destination).

The reason for the postponement was the British Cabinet Secretary Michael Cove The impact of Govt.

British Cabinet Secretary Michael Cove, photo Shutterstock

“Last June, we announced a timetable for the introduction of import restrictions from the EU to the UK. This schedule is based on Govt’s first wave. We now know that the disruption caused by Govt. Wrote in a statement Report.

A little more air

Mathiez Meskan VGP He is very happy to postpone the phytosanitary studies of the cut flowers. According to him, the April 1 date could not be reached. Provides deferral quality control office KCP And exporters have more time to prepare. Exporters feared there would be major turmoil in UK trade until April 1st.

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MESCON: “The three-quarter adjournment gives us time to stress with our British colleagues that phytosanitary studies will be canceled. Cut flowers do not pose a phytosanitary risk. ”

Further Dutch flower group Glad the phytosanitary studies on cut flowers exported to the UK have been postponed. “It simply came to our notice then. It just gives me a little more air, ”said Marcel Jandwleet. CMO / CSO did not expect the postponement to lead to cancellation.

Further NVWA Indicates that the delay is not canceled. “If they have not already done so, export companies should be better prepared. NVWA’s advice is to do it now and not wait until the last minute,” said spokeswoman Paula de Jong.

Ferdinand Woolridge

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