US appoints 95-year-old ex-concentration camp guard …

On Saturday, the United States deported a 95-year-old man who was a Nazi concentration camp guard to Germany. This was announced by a German police spokesman.

Friedrich Karl B, whose full name has not been released, was taken by medical transport plane to Frankfurt Airport. He will be tried in Germany for complicity in the murder, but it is not clear whether he will also be tried.

According to the US government, Frederick Karl B admitted he was a guard at a camp belonging to the Neuengame concentration camp in northern Germany. According to an article published in the weekly magazine Der Spiegel, it was stated that he only carried out orders.

The man moved to Tennessee in 1959. But in November of last year, a US appeals court ruled that he should be expelled from the country. The verdict is the United States does not provide protection to war criminals. It was asserted that in the winter of 1945, the inmates at the satellite camp had to work in “terrible” conditions, “to the point of exhaustion and death.” About 70 prisoners died “in inhuman conditions”.

A representative of the US Immigration Department said that Frederick Karl B “actively participated in one of the darkest chapters in human history”.

In December, the prosecutor’s office in the German city of Cell closed the investigation due to “insufficient suspicion”. Acknowledgment of his role as camp guard was not in itself insufficient to identify concrete crimes. A man cannot be directly linked to death. A spokesperson for the attorney general says the file can be reopened based on the man’s testimony.

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Denton Watson

"Friend of animals everywhere. Evil twitter fan. Pop culture evangelist. Introvert."

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