Volunteers spend long hours in vaccination centers

From February to September this year, medical volunteers performed a total of 527,090 hours in Flanders. That’s an average of about 2,150 hours a day. Flemish MP Brecht Warnes (CD&V), who requested figures from his party colleague, the Flemish Minister of Health and Welfare, said.

In the vaccination centers in Flanders, both medical and non-medical profiles work as volunteers. From February 2021 to September 2021, medical volunteers worked 454,158.81 hours on weekdays and 72,930.66 hours on weekends. The vaccinators spent most of the hours filling the syringes with the vaccine from the tube provided.

“It’s impressive that the volunteers spent so many hours in the centers to ensure that every Fleming could be vaccinated,” says Brecht Warnes.

Initially, vaccination centers were scheduled to close in October, but due to the booster campaign and the vaccination of children, they will remain open for some time. Many vaccination centers are now looking for volunteers to “give a boost to vaccination,” according to Fernez.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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