Watch: Apple’s new AirPods Pro “Jump” movie

Apple, city, cat

Now featured in a video from Apple: the new AirPods Pro “Jump”. There are two main features!

Apple constantly renews its products. Whether it is new Iphone Or renewed AirPods, The company never stops. Of course, the tech giant also owes its colossal success to this.


In the Movie Putting it online by Apple today, Airpods are essential. The advertisement is called – since this is what it actually is – a ‘leap’, in which the active noise cancellation and transparency of the earplugs are emphasized in a very creative and beautiful way.

In the video we see a man walking through a city. Gradually he jumps on the rope in different places with different settings each time. For example on a noisy construction site. It’s all on Young Franco’s “Fallin ‘Apart”. Everything looks great, as we do Apple, city, cat I know.

Turn the word on your court with AirPods Pro

This is the slogan of the movie. Loose translation: “Change the world in your court with AirPods Pro”. Check it out here and find out if the video triggers that feeling in you.

Curiously, Apple is now coming up with this announcement. The rumor machine is running at full speed on the third AirPods generation. Several sources said that these will be released this month. The new generation will likely look (almost) like the current AirPods Pro, but with short legs (the iconic straps) and smaller housing. But this “old” generation does not have exactly the same active noise canceling function.

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Several analysts and other sources close to the fire have also reported that Apple is working on a new version of AirPods Pro that has no bars at all. This would completely change the design, however we’re curious.

Winton Frazier

 "Amateur web lover. Incurable travel nerd. Beer evangelist. Thinker. Internet expert. Explorer. Gamer."

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