Watch out for Brexit deadlines

Importing into the UK requires customs declaration and prior registration with the Good Vehicle Mobility Service (GVMS) registration system. From 1 January onwards, if you are transporting goods through UK ports using GVMS, you must be registered for this service. You need two documents for this.

Lead government portal account

First of all, you have a file Government Portal Account it is necessary. If you don’t already have one, you can create one when you register with GVMS. The UK government reports that it usually takes about 5 minutes to generate the government portal user ID and password. But it can take up to two days for your account to be verified.

EORI number timeout

You also have a British yuri number Essential, even if you are not a UK resident. Applying for a UK EORI number usually takes 5 minutes and must be issued within 48 hours. But sometimes further checks are required before you receive your EORI number and this can take up to 5 days.

Did you arrange everything? then go to to sign up. in a this folder Get Ready For Brexit contains all the procedures and a step by step explanation on registering.

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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