Webinar “Informal Care and Positive Health”

The other is often cared for out of love and devotion to the other. You take this for granted. But there is also a danger in this, especially if caring for the other takes a long time. This can be at the expense of yourself, so that you no longer wander into things that used to give you energy, such as sports, going out with friends or reading a book. Overload is imminent. Punt Welzijn organizes a free webinar on Wednesday 29 June from 20:00 to 21:00 where these topics are discussed.

Informal sponsorship of the webinar and positive health

How do you take care of your health? This question is central to this webinar. Together, we look at your informal care situation from the six dimensions of positive health:

  • Body functions – feel healthy and fit
  • Mental well-being – feel happy
  • Meaning – I have confidence in my future
  • Quality of life – I enjoy my life
  • Share – I have a good connection with other people
  • Everyday life – I can take care of myself

We would like to invite you to follow this webinar for free. The webinar will be delivered via Zoom and presented by Lieki Boss, MantelzorgNL coach. After registering, you will receive a link to follow the webinar.

Do you want more information or do you want to register? a look at www.puntwelzijn.nl under “Activities”. You can also call 0495-697900 or send an email to informal [email protected].

Photo: Photography for the people’s interest neighborhood near Duurstede

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Megan Vasquez

"Creator. Coffee buff. Internet lover. Organizer. Pop culture geek. Tv fan. Proud foodaholic."

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